After a mere two more runs to NAPA for the final wires, it was time to see if I got it right this time. Check the wiring again; clean up the mess around the cabinet; find the fire extinguisher. It’s go time.

Of course, I am not sufficiently lucky to have even one whole day of happiness and progress. With the electrical cabinet mostly finished I wanted to finalize the wiring on the passenger side of the van. It still needed the light switch and the stove 20A outlet to get wired. When I started working on it, I discovered that the positive stud in the sub-fuse box on that side was broken. I can’t get it replaced over night. The closest place I could drive to replace it was 4 1/2 hours. So, I’m either going to find someone tomorrow to help me fix it or we are going to pick one up on the drive to CO later this week.
I could not have been happier when the electric system worked perfectly and I could not have been more frustrated when the next thing went wrong!